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Writer's pictureLaura MacBean

Time flies!

Time has flown in a whirlwind of work, family and household matters since I last blogged. Add to this concerns for relations back in South Africa where life went from relatively normal to chaotic and extremely difficult in the space of 3 to 4 days after last weekend and no wonder I have not marked the halfway point of my walking journey for Hope Health Action! I have raised £320 on my JustGving page with a further £20 cheque from a friend up North, £25 in cash from one couple and £100 from another, all ready to pass on to the charity!

Here is a link to my JustGiving page if you still want to make a donation:

So far I have managed to average 10 575 steps or about 72 miles over 17 days. Some days it has been easy, especially if I am not confined to my desk or going from meeting to meeting or other events outside my home office that require me to use my car. Other days I have got to the evening and realised I still need to do 8000 steps or so to meet my daily target. Good news though is I have defintiely surpassed the 25 mile iniital challenge I set myself in solidarity with refugees fleeing their village in South Sudan to the border of Uganda!

To read:

John 10:10-11 (ESV) The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

To reflect:

How quickly our lives can be turned upside down when all that is familiar and comfortable is disrupted! It is easy to judge those who flee across borders or try to get to safety in another place and who then seem to disrupt what is comfortable for us, especially if we cannot imagine that we could have the same struggles.

  1. Can you understand why people might turn to looting in times of political and economic disruption?

  2. What would you do if all you know in terms of a safe and full life - with access to food, shelter, activities, work, friendships, family and leisure - all fell apart in the space of 3 to 4 days?

  3. Do you judge or doubt people who become refugees or have you simply not paid attention to their plight before, or to how simple it might be for this to become your story?

To pray:

When life in its fullness is denied, when all that is familiar falls apart and what we rely on becomes difficult or impossible to obtain, help us to remain calm, help where we can and find safety that does not exclude others in need. May we remain people of the Light no matter what the circumstances are around us. AMEN

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