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Welcome to 'Walking the Extra Mile'

Deacon Laura MacBean

Welcome to 'Walking the Extra Mile', my blogpost about the charity fundraising challenges I am undertaking in 2021 and beyond

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Uprooted and reoriented

I have done it! It is now 1 August and I managed the sum total of 339922 steps from 1 to 31 July for Hope Health Action. Quite an...

Time flies!

Time has flown in a whirlwind of work, family and household matters since I last blogged. Add to this concerns for relations back in...

Keeping going...

It's Thursday morning 8 July at 10am and so far today I have only managed 2731 steps. However, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty...

Weekend went well!

It's Monday morning 5 July and I am rather pleased that I managed to walk 11 962 steps on Saturday. Exercise has never been my forte so...

Two days almost down...

Well... yesterday didn't get off to a very good start. I had less than 6 hours sleep (mostly interrupted) and felt rather tired by the...

Almost ready to go...

One sleep to go before my July charity challenge in aid of Hope Health Action! I have bought myself a MiFit and have been testing how...

Why am I 'walking the extra mile'?

In 2015 I took up a position as a Methodist deacon at West Wickham Methodist Church. There I met an inspirational member of the...

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